Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Learn the lingo

Because wine tasting is a fairly subjective experience, it's often difficult to put into words exactly what you think about a particular wine, and even more difficult -- in many cases -- to know what others think of their wine.

To help offer some sort of level playing field, several common terms have been coined.

Here are some of the more common words associated with tasting wines, brought to you by

Body--the viscosity of the wine (a wine can be as thin as water or as thick as cream)

Big--high in alcohol

Buttery--having an aroma of butter or butterscotch

Crisp--high in fruit acidity (in a positive way)


Finish--the wine's aftertaste

Fruity--the fruit the wine is made from (the grape) or another fruit flavor is perceptible

1 comment:

  1. Cool blog concept. I'd be interested in reading suggestions regarding good dessert wines.

    J -dot- Felonious


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